Andrea is a Senior Paralegal at a European e-commerce giant, specializing in insolvency law. After living in many European countries, she finally settled in Berlin seven years ago. Her background is in social sciences (communication, media, tourism, cultural diplomacy) and linguistics at the University of Szeged which has given many Nobel-prize winners to the world.
Aside from the Nobel-prize winners, one thing that is more important: the University of Szeged was home to her AIESEC EB. 

A love story that began while she was a student, continues in the present.
In Andrea’s own words:
“The community was thrilling as an AIESECer. One year has passed as VP for Projects in AIESEC Alumni Hungary and I am constantly meeting truly inspiring people from all around the world. I jumped on the opportunity to start giving back by being the coordinator for the AIESEC Alumni Mentor program for the Hungarian participants. I have many ideas for AAH and AAE and I am so happy that I found kind, like-minded people to execute these ideas with.”
At ERAC Andrea will talk about ”AIESEC Alumni Hungary: founding an alumni association ”.